I haven't received an invite for the ADA Dashboard, but I need access
Please contact your Label Manager, they can request access for you and you'll receive a welcome email including instructions once it's set up.
My Opus/Tableau/OpenPlay credentials do not work to log in to the ADA Dashboard
ADA Dashboard requires that a new account be set up, existing credentials will not allow access. Single sign-on support for applications is coming, but for now ADA Dashboard and application account credentials are completely separate.
I need access to one of the applications on the Dashboard that I don't have a login for
If you need additional application access, please request this via your Label Manager so that they can route this request for you correctly. The general support mailbox has no ability to grant application access.
I need to reset my password
If you're unable to login because you've forgotten your password, you can reset it yourself from the Dashboard login page by clicking "Trouble signing in?" and then "Forgot password?" then entering the email address you're registered with. This will send an email to you that will allow you to reset your ADA Dashboard password.
My account is locked
Accounts are automatically locked after 10 consecutive incorrect password entries. Accounts are automatically unlocked after 60 minutes, but you can also unlock them yourself from the Dashboard login page by clicking "Trouble signing in?" and then "Unlock account?" and entering the email address you're registered with. This will send an email to you that will allow you to unlock your ADA Dashboard account.
I tried to reset my password, but received an email stating that "At this time your password can only be reset by an administrator"
If you get this email, it indicates that you've tried to reset your password before you've activated your account. Please search your Inbox for a mail titled "Welcome to ADA Dashboard!" and click the "Activate Account" button to set up your new account. If the email link has expired, please contact support@ada-music.com with the phrase "Resend Activation Mail" in the subject line.